Convocatoria: Congreso anual de la ASPHS
Reproducimos a continuación la convocatoria a paneles y comunicaciones para el 54º congreso anual de la Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, que se celebrará en la University of Maryland (EE.UU.) entre el 5 y el 8 de junio de 2025. Las propuestas tienen que entregarse antes del 15 de enero de 2025.
ASPHS 2025 Annual Conference
The Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (ASPHS) invites you to participate in our 54th Annual Conference to take place at the University of Maryland, College Park from June 5-8, 2025, organized by Alejandro Cañeque, Eyda Merediz, and Miguel Valerio.
We encourage transhistorical and transnational perspectives that speak to the general theme of “Global Iberian Networks.” Topics may include the following:
- Medieval and Neomedieval studies
- Early Modern transatlantic and transpacific entanglements
- Modern and Contemporary crossroads
- Intersections between texts and images
- Literary and cultural dialogue with the historical archive
Keynote speakers: Antonio Feros (University of Pennsylvania) and Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel (University of Miami)
Proposals of panels and individual papers are due on January 15, 2025. We welcome proposals (of up to 250 words) for papers in Spanish, Portuguese, English and Catalan. Please submit your proposal to the following
The ASPHS will provide a limited number of travel grants to graduate students presenting papers at the conference. Preference will be given to first-time presenters and presenters who have not received an ASPHS graduate student travel grant previously.
ASPHS will also provide modest grants to defray the costs of childcare for conference participants.
Those interested in applying for either of these grants should write to
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Pierre M. Delpu (4 décembre 2024). Convocatoria: Congreso anual de la ASPHS. Aspects du martyre politique. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse