Participación de AMAPOL en la HEX Conference/Participation d’AMAPOL à la HEX Conference
Los 11, 12 y 13 de marzo de 2024 se celebrará en la Universidad de Tampere (Finlandia) la sexta edición de la conferencia anual del centro de excelencia “History of Experiences”, en torno al tema anual Memory, Temporality and Experience. Dicho evento reunirá a más de 80 especialistas internacionales en historia de las emociones y experiencias, incluso a dos miembros del equipo de AMAPOL, Pierre-Marie Delpu y Christina Theodosiou. Reproducimos aquí abajo el programa de algunas sesiones específicas cuyo planteamiento se relaciona de alguna manera con los temas generales de AMAPOL. El programa detallado puede consultarse en la página web del evento.
Les 11, 12 et 13 mars 2024 aura lieu à l’Université de Tampere (Finlande) la sixième édition de la conférence annuelle du centre d’excellence “History of Experiences”, autour du thème annuel Memory, Temporality and Experience. L’événement réunira plus de 80 spécialistes internationaux d’histoire des émotions et des expériences, dont deux membres de l’équipe d’AMAPOL, Pierre-Marie Delpu et Christina Theodosiou. Nous reproduisons ci-dessous le programme de quelques sessions spécifiques dont les orientations ont un lien quelconque avec les sujets de travail d’AMAPOL. Le programme détaillé peut être consulté sur la page web de l’événement.
Lunes 11 de marzo/Lundi 11 mars
10:30-12:30 – Parallel Session 1a. Recovered Experiences and Contested Memories: Afterlives of activist Irish and Finnish women in the wake of revolution and civil war (Auditorium K103) (chair: Pirjo Markkola)
Fionnaula Walsh: “A witness to the slaughter”: An exploration of experience, memory, and trauma in women’s testimonies in the aftermath of the Irish Civil War
Mary McAuliffe: “I had thought we would have transformed the world”; Anger, disappointment and silencing, the treatment of political and militant women in the Irish Free State, 1922–1970
Caitriona Beaumont: Memories of a revolutionary grandmother: experience, activism and the challenges of family history in the wake of the Irish revolution
Tiina Lintunen: “If only I had been able to predict the future”: War experiences in the memories of women participating in the Finnish Civil War in 1918
14:00-16:00 – Parallel Session 2a. Recovering and Narrating Past Methodologies, Temporalities and Experiences (Auditorium K103) (chair: Rob Boddice)
Liisi Keedus: ‘Time outside History’: Temporalities of Experience of Franz Rosenzweig, Mircea Eliade, and Gabriel Marcel
Augusto Petter: Experiencing the End of the World: narrative time as a bond between existential temporality and historical times
Sara Honarmand-Ebrahimi: Toward a History of ‘Mental Montages’
16:15–17:30 Joint session 3 Q & A with Bart van Es on innovative approaches to writing the history of experiences, based on his award-winning creative non-fiction book, The Cut Out Girl. Café Toivo (Tampere University Main Building, 2nd Floor, Kalevantie 4)
Martes 12 de marzo/Mardi 12 mars
9:00–10:00 Keynote Ulla Savolainen: Time, Memory, and Hermeneutical Injustice: Mutable Memorability of Ingrian Finns’ Experiences in Finland (Auditorium K103) (chair: Ville Kivimäki)
14:00-16:00 – Parallel Session 5a. Nationalism and Political Narratives (Auditorium K103): (chair: Sami Suodenjoki)
Pierre-Marie Delpu: Experiences of Exemplarity: How to Turn Sacrificial Death into Political Martyrdom (Southern Europe, mid-19th century)
Ville Suuronen: Illiberal memories: Changing Historical Temporalities and Experiences in Hungarian History
Takehiro Okabe: Was it Possible to Share the Experience of Greater Finland? Soviet-Finnish Dialogue over the Kalevala and Greater Finland in the Early Cold War Years
Sinikka Selin and Tuomas Tepora: Great Expectations and Deep Distrust: Temporal Experiences in Post-Cold War Finland, 1989–1995
14:00-16:00 – Parallel Session 5c. Memory in War and Crisis (Room K109) (chair: Ville Kivimäki)
Søren Werther Kjær Rasmussen: Social aid and collective experience amongst Danish WW2 resistance fighters
Christina Theodosiou: The temporal structure of remembrance: war experience, trauma, and expectations in interwar France
Allan Moore: Memory, Mass Graves and Memorialisation in Rwanda
Hannah Kaarina Yoken: Organising and Remembering END: Written Accounts of Anti-Nuclear Protest in Early 1980s Finland
Miércoles 13 de marzo/Mercredi 13 mars
9:00–10:00 Keynote Rebecca Clifford: Child survivors of the Holocaust: experience between individual and collective memories (Auditorium K103) (chair: Rob Boddice)
13:30-15:00 Parallel Session 8a. Accessing Pain, Remembering Pain: Pain, temporality and memory 1600–1900 (Auditorium K103) (chair: Jenni Kuuliala)
Eva Johanna Holmberg: Starving Times c. 1610–1620: Accessing Mediated Experiences of Suffering in the Early Jamestown and Bermuda Colonies
Soile Ylivuori: The Suffering of Edward Harwood: Eighteenth-Century Experiences of Medical Electricity
Clarice Säävälä: “I feel it sore but not painful”: Reconstructing Working-Class Pain Experiences in Victorian Egodocuments
13:30-15:00 Parallel Session 8b. Remembering and Forgetting beyond Antithesis: Toward an apophatic turn in (hi)stories of national independence, colonial resistance, and multi-level catastrophe (Room K113) (chair: Karen Lauwers)
Karen Lauwers: Remembering the Mokrani Revolt of 1871 in Algerian petitions to the French parliament (1881–1910)
Iisa Aaltonen: The absent elements in the Finnish Independence Day celebrations of the 1920s
Nataliia Odnosum: Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago (1957): from individual disaster to universal apocalypse
13:30-15:00 Parallel Session 8c. Researching Women and Socialism through the Lenses of Generation and Memory (Room K109) (chair: Hannah Kaarina Yoken)
Lotta Leiwo: Narrations of nature as intergenerational socialist education in local letters of women’s newspaper Toveritar
Hannah Parker: “So that we will be happy at the end of our days”: Generation, gender and remembering in public letter-writing by women in the Soviet Union, 1924–1941
Samira Saramo: “The Most Dangerous Radical in North America:” Forgetting and Remembering Sanna Kannasto
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Pierre M. Delpu (4 mars 2024). Participación de AMAPOL en la HEX Conference/Participation d’AMAPOL à la HEX Conference. Aspects du martyre politique. Consulté le 20 septembre 2024 à l’adresse