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Publication/Publicación- Rethinking the History of Democracy in Spain

Vient de paraître chez l’éditeur Routledge le volume collectif coédité par Antonio Herrera et Francisco Acosta, intitulé Rethinking the History of Democracy in Spain. Composé de huit chapitres dont trois faisant contrepoint sur l’Amérique latine, l’Italie et le Portugal et d’un débat conclusif, l’ouvrage met en évidence les apports récents de l’historiographie de la démocratisation et de la politisation populaire dans l’Espagne des XIXe et XXe siècles. Le descriptif éditorial en anglais et la table des matières sont disponibles ci-dessous. Le livre est entièrement consultable en open access.

Acaba de publicarse, en la editorial Routledge, el libro colectivo titulado Rethinking the History of Democracy in Spain, bajo la coordinación de Antonio Herrera y Francisco Acosta. La obra cuenta con ocho capítulos, cuyos tres últimos comparan el caso español con los de América latina, Italia y Portugal, y con un débate conclusivo, y pone de relieve las aportaciones recientes de la historiografía de la democratización y politización popular en la España de los siglos XIX y XX. Aquí abajo se pueden leer un resumen en inglés y el índice del libro. El libro se puede leer por entero en open access.



Focusing on the processes of political socialisation and democratisation that took place in Spain during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, this book brings together specialists who propose the need to rethink the contemporary history of democracy in Spain to build a new narrative.

To do so, the authors go down to the local level, where they are able to trace a political culture that forged the foundations of a process of political “modernization” much more complex than what conventional historiography has conveyed, even though it was not always transferred institutionally to the national level. The idea of a rural Spain that was backward, apolitical, violent and unprepared for democracy gives way to a more interesting history which, while recognising the peculiarities of the country and the important limitations to democracy, shows examples that could help build a new narrative closer to those of other neighbouring countries.

Aimed at contemporary historians interested in Spain and Europe, the book also addresses the debates faced by other social scientists on the concept of democracy. This dialogue between history, sociology and political science is particularly present in a special final chapter featuring a discussion of democracy and its application to Spanish history.


Table des matières/Índice

The (not so) exceptional history of democracy in contemporary Spain (Antonio Herrera, Francisco Acosta)
Part I. Rethinking democratization in Spain from local perspective
Chapter 1.
Municipalism and democratization in modern Spanish history (Pamela Beth Radcliff)
Chapter 2. 
Following in the tracks of democracy to reinterpret the history of twentieth century in Spain (Antonio Herrera, John Markoff)
Part II. Social mobilization and democracy in Southern Spain
Chapter 3.
Democracy and political action in Spain 1848-1874 (Guy Thompson)
Chapter 4.
Democracy and Social Protest in rural Andalusia in the nineteenth century. Notes on a process of political modernization (Francisco Acosta)
Chapter 5.
Republican democracy in the southern periphery of Spain. The province of Córdoba (1885-1919) (Ángel Duarte Montserrat)
Part III. Municipalism, rural world and democracy outside Spain
Chapter 6.
The projection of Spanish liberalism overseas. Pueblos de indios and citizenship in Mexico and Peru (Claudia Guarisco)
Chapter 7.
Modernization and Democratization in Mediterranean countries (Luigi Musella)
Chapter 8.
Republican political mobilization of the working classes in Southern Portugal. The district of Évora between 1908 and 1915 (Jesús Ángel Redondo Cardeñoso)
Chapter 9.
The history of Spanish democracy under debate (Robert M. Fishman, Eduardo Posada-Carbó, Aníbal Pérez-Liñán, Joe Foweraker, Florencia Peyrou, Salvador Cruz Artacho)

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Pierre M. Delpu (27 novembre 2023). Publication/Publicación- Rethinking the History of Democracy in Spain. Aspects du martyre politique. Consulté le 20 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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